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Tidebringer > Lore > The Ancient River

The Ancient River

The Ancient River
Basic Info

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The Ancient River

A non-euclidean plane that can be used to travel between universes and worlds. It is infinitely big and has impossible architecture, making it very easy to get lost inside. Cultists use wyrms to navigate these paths of the ancient river.

The Ancient River's purpose is to make travel between worlds possible for cultists and the Tidebringer. It is designed to make traveling through it as comfortable as possible for cultists, who are often aquatic in nature. In most areas, the water is rather warm and pleasant to swim in. The water quality varies wildly within the ancient river. Think of differences in salinity, nutrients, and sometimes even the presence of (bio-luminescent) micro-fauna and flora.

The water in the river has refractive properties that tend to mirror objects and structures that are common in worlds that are connected. This effect is especially noticeable the closer you are to a gate. The primary intended purpose of this is to make cultists more familiar with that world's environment, and to camouflage The Ancient River to any poor soul that may accidentally peek inside. The secondary purpose is, again, to make travel more comfortable. Those same refractive properties make the water look somewhat iridescent under just the right angle.


Gate example 1

Gate example 2

Gate example 3

All worlds are connected to the ancient river, but the exact locations of gates to that world are fluid. Only once a cultist enters a world, a gate to The Ancient River is solidified. The more gates are solidified in a world, the more water from The Ancient River tends to spill out. The refractive properties of the water will start affecting the immediate surroundings of the gates. Structures around it will start to “duplicate”, making for a strange fractal-like landscape.

When a cultist fulfills their purpose in a world (getting eaten, dying and being reformed by the Tidebringer), they usually go straight back to that same world solidify a new gate and spread more of the Tidebringer's spawn. Depending on how exactly a world is connected, getting back from the Tidebringer to that world can be as short as 15 minutes or as long as a month.

