

Repressed Bisexual (no preference)
Video Security Guard
Flat apartment inherited from his mom


Edwin is soft spoken and outwardly appears to be confident and kind. He is usually either very straight faced or has a smug smile. Generally he doesn't emote much. He can be manipulative and likes messing with people. Though, when treated with sincerity he can actually be quite nice as well. He rarely gets treated sincerely unfortunately, but that's partially his own fault.

Edwin is a security guard at the facility in Nabirosk. Not the kind of guard that will shoot any trespassers on sight, but the kind that monitors camera footage all day. Edwin happens to have the night shift for his job, and works long quiet hours. He actually prefers it that way as it gives him a lot of time to slack off, and he prefers the solitude. When bored he loves being purposefully annoying and boring while talking to any other poor souls whose duty is to work the night shift at the facility.

He is lucky to have access to a computer at the facility with an actual (relatively) broadband internet connection. He has managed to abuse this privilege without being tracked. Many years ago he actually used to be a computer engineering student. During his study his mother became chronically ill, and so he moved back in with her in her apartment in Nabirosk to take care of her. While he did so he got a temporary security job at the facility. The job never turned out to be that temporary, even after his mother died. He figured he might as well keep living there with how hard it is to get proper housing. An easy job, steady income, and good housing seemed like a good enough life for him. He'd have plenty of time to tinker with any of the tech at the facility anyway. While living in his dead mother's apartment, he never quite stopped grieving. And while he does not show it, the loneliness, boredom and lost potential does get to him sometimes.

Some Random Facts

> Eyes glow a very faint green, especially when excited.
> Cardigans are his favourite clothing item.
> Really should retire early according to his colleagues.
> Cannot tie a tie to safe his life.
> Mild paper & information hoarder.