Name Species Age Gender Orientation Height Occupation Residence |
30's in human age
Gender Fluid (they>she/he/it)
Tidebringer Cultist
The Ancient River |
Nox is a notorious cultist of the Tidebringer. They travel from universe to universe using the ancient river: a non-euclidian stream of “water” that connects worlds.
In each world Nox visits, they try to get eaten by as many people as possible to spread the Tidebringer's Wyrms. Every time Nox dies the Tidebringer revives them.
They can be charming, smart and ruthless when trying to achieve their goals. Though to friends they are much more mellow, soft spoken, and a little chaotic.
They are also a monsterfucker, but pretty wholesome about it.
As they visit many different universes, never knowing what they'll find on the other side, they've become an adept survivalist. Lest they die before spreading the
Tidebringer's corruption, or worse, get captured.
One of their main drives is to become one of the more favoured cultists of the Tidebringer. They may see other cultists as competition.
Tidebringer Lore |
The Tidebringer is an eldritch being that is focused on eventually consuming everything. It spreads its spawn across universes so it can gain access and power there using his wyrms and cultists.
The Ancient River
A non-euclidean plane that can be used to traverse between universes. It is infinitely big and has impossible architecture, and It's very easy to get lost. Cultists use wyrms to navigate these paths of the ancient river.
As the name suggests, there is a lot of water in these paths. The Tidebringer has created it as such so the cultists, who are often aquatic in nature, can travel comfortably. The river tends to mirror objects that are common in universes, especially near portals to those universes. Again, this is intended to make travel comfortable.
Cultists have a wyrm lodged in their spinal chord to spread their god’s spawn. In order to spread spread it they have to get eaten and revived over and over again. These wyrms nestle into the spinal chord of cultists, with their head connected to the brain stem. They almost become one with the cultist’s mind. When needed, the wyrm can tell the cultist where to go. This is especially useful when traversing The Ancient River in search for new universes and victims.
After the cultist is eaten by the next host, the wyrm is able to save the cultist's mind so they can be recreated. The reproductive part of the wyrm stays in the new host (the bottom part). The head part stores the cultist's mind, and will eventually find its way back to the tidebringer.
Cultist Host
Cultists carry wyrms from the Tidelord to new hosts to spread in that world. Their main goal is to get eaten, and transfer the wyrm to its next host. Only the reproductive part stays behind in the new host. The rest of the wyrm goes back to the Tidelord so the cultist can be recreated.
Carnivore Host
The wyrm is also harmless to the predator host. In fact, the part that stays behind is not even really alive anymore. The goal during this life stage is to secrete as many eggs as possible. These eggs hatch as a different fenotype from the cultist's wyrms. These are conduit wyrms.
Conduit Host
Creatures lower at the food chain get infected by water polluted with wyrm eggs. Most new hosts become a conduit for a future calling of a leviathan. In some rare cases they become cultists themselves, in which case they feel compelled to search for their god to be blessed with their own new wyrm.
The Tidebringer recreates cultists that have died and gives them new wyrms.
If enough people host conduit wyrms, a call upon a leviathan may take place. This can either be a rift for The Tidebringer to enter that universe, or it calls a literal leviathan.
Cultists are loyal followers to The Tidebringer, they are willing to die over and over again for it. In exchange they are granted protection, and are granted eternal life with the use of wyrms.
Cultists may be any species, but are usually aquatic in nature. This is due to The Tidebringer's bias.
In-between offerings cultists are free to do what they want. Though if they don’t offer themselves for a period that’s too long, the wyrm might become a bit loud.
Your average Joe. Will stay within their own universe and usually continue their life as normal.
Sometimes their conduit wyrms will give them assignments to prepare for the leviathan break. A common example is when conduits help with keeping The Ancient River hidden.
When enough people have become a conduit to The Tidebringer, they may function as a signal amplifier to call for a leviathan break.

Species |
- Omnivorous.
- Facultative biped.
- Recently evolved to live on land, still crave warm environments with lots of water / moisture. Can both breathe on land and in water.
- Most members of their species are genderfluid. Their biological sex changes according to a yearly cycle, and they are able to produce both eggs and sperm
depending on where they are in their cycle. They do not have external genitalia.
- The species comes in many different colours and sizes. Adult height ranges from 40 cm to 160 cm. While growth does slow down significantly as they reach
maturity, they don't actually stop growing. There is no biological cap on how old they can become, but most individuals die before they become much taller
than 160 cm.
- When they hatch they are only 5 cm. Child rearing is communal.
- Moderately technologically advanced. Just invented space travel. Almost no food scarcity, historically there’s been global culture of striving for sustainable
agriculture with a focus of preserving ecosystems.
- Being close to nature is important to individuals who are more spiritual.
Actual picture of me showing everyone my new OC. ×
Average Nox activities, you're getting brainworms now. ×